Research from the American Cancer Society determined roughly 42 percent of cancers in the United States are linked to preventable risk factors, such as smoking, sun exposure, and inactivity. In honor of cancer prevention in February, we’re sharing tips for living a healthy life and preventing cancer risk. 

Tips To Decrease Common Cancer Risks

Not every cancer is preventable, but there are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of cancer and other health concerns. 


  • Stop unhealthy habits. Two of the biggest habits that contribute to cancer are smoking cigarettes and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Cigarettes contain many chemicals affecting your heart, lungs, skin, and other body parts. Likewise, alcohol negatively affects the liver and can lead to cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, colon, and esophagus. 
  • Incorporate more physical activity into your routine. Regular exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight, reducing your cancer risk. Exercise also strengthens muscular organs, such as your heart and lungs.  
  • Stay safe in the sun. Skin cancer is one of the more common cancers in the United States, affecting 1 in 5 Americans. You can greatly reduce your risk of skin cancer by wearing sunscreen daily, especially on skin most exposed to the sun, like your face, hands, and feet.  
  • Don’t skip your cancer screenings. Cancer screenings can be uncomfortable, but they’re the only way to know for sure if you have developed cancer. They’re especially essential for finding early-stage cancer, as many cancers don’t exempt signs or symptoms until they progress. 
  • Keep up with your doctor appointments. Outside of regular cancer screenings, attending annual physicals and other recurring appointments such as yearly skin checks, eye screenings, and hearing tests is important. These appointments can alert doctors to potential cancer risks. 

Cancer Pain Treatment At Mocek Spine

You can live the healthiest life possible and still develop cancer. Fortunately, there are treatments available to cure or reduce the spread of cancer. At Mocek Spine, we assist clients with cancer pain management affecting the spine, neck, and back. 


We offer advanced cancer pain solutions through patient-centered care. We aim to provide compassionate care so our patients can lead pain-free lives. Through our minimally invasive cancer pain treatments, we expect our clients to heal more quickly so they can go back to living their lives. 


To learn more, you can make an appointment at our clinic or call us at 501.224.4001.