If you feel tension in your body or experience discomfort in your back while sitting, walking or standing, you may benefit from stretching. Regularly stretching improves flexibility, range of motion, energy levels and posture. It also releases tension to help relieve and prevent pain.


According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, nearly 3 percent of Americans (or roughly 7 million people) are diagnosed with scoliosis. While it's not an overly common condition, understanding scoliosis and knowing what signs to look for in children can increase early detection rates. When found early, those diagnosed with scoliosis are more likely to lead healthy lives with minimal to no discomfort.

Friday, January 25, 2019 at 8 AM – 12 PM

Carti/Conway Regional Cancer Center 2605 College Ave, Conway, Arkansas 72034

After the holidays, on the morning of Friday January 25th, our care team is planning to be in the beautiful city of CONWAY for our first ever satellite clinic there. The clinic will be dedicated to the treatment & relief of intractable spine & cancer pain. See you soon!

Today we are officially announcing our new satellite clinic in Conway, Arkansas to begin on Friday January 25th in the beautiful & newly remodeled CARTI Conway facility. 
Onward & Upward! 

The address of our new satellite clinic will be: 
2605 College Avenue
Conway, Arkansas 72034

Conway We Are Coming to Serve Your Community in January of 2019!

West Сoming January, 2019 For Our New Satellite Clinic!

If you happen to have daily pain in your tailbone & it will just not ease up, we have a treatment option for you called Coccygeal RF. If you get @ least 80% pain relief from...